Eureka Atom 60is a very fast and nearly-silent compact, on-demand espresso grinderfor light commercial use, with a cast aluminum body, and available in 4colour/finish choices. Atom’s programmable dosesettings (for a single or double shot) are easily adjusted “on the fly”and its doser-less design allows you to grind coffee directly into yourportafilter, minimizing the amount of coffee grounds left-over betweenshots (or *add the patented “Blow-Up” System for ensuring 100% of thegrounds are expelled and for easier cleaning). It has a work-light, acommercial motor, large 60mm burrs, micrometric grind adjustments (todial in that perfect grind), and compact hopper to complete the package.
Suitable for: low volume locations,higher-volume decaf or secondary coffee grinding, specialty coffeeshops, restaurants, hotels, demanding professionals, locations with lessexperienced baristas